Reproductive psychiatry

What is Reproductive Psychiatry?

Do you wonder if seeing a specialist in reproductive psychiatry is right for you? Have you wondered what a reproductive psychiatrist is? 

A reproductive psychiatrist is a medical doctor who has completed a psychiatry residency. After finishing their residency, they then complete further training in reproductive psychiatry. 

Reproductive psychiatry focuses on the changes to mental health during the reproductive years. Reproductive Psychiatry recognizes that psychiatric disorders during the reproductive years can be more complex and require in-depth knowledge and ongoing active research.

Factors that make this time more complex are the dynamic changes to hormones during pregnancy, postpartum, and breastfeeding and hormonal changes during menopause and throughout the menstrual cycle.

Some common reasons a person may see a reproductive psychiatrist are medication planning before pregnancy, mental health problems during pregnancy, or postpartum mental health issues.  

Some seek a reproductive psychiatrist for medication optimization while breastfeeding. Yet, others come for mood changes near their menstrual cycle or during menopause. 

One in seven mothers will suffer from postpartum depression, while many others will suffer from postpartum anxiety. Having a doctor specialized in treating your issue and understanding the complex dynamics that contribute to it can be priceless.

There is a common misunderstanding that reproductive psychiatry is only for women, but one in ten men suffers from postpartum depression. Men also struggle with reproductive issues such as delayed ejaculation and decreased mobility of sperm. These issues may be related to the male’s psychiatric medication, or medications may assist with the problem. 

If you are struggling with a reproductive psychiatric issue, book an appointment with our reproductive psychiatrist today. 

If you want to learn more, below are some resources for you.