Do I Need a Pre-Pregnancy Consultation?

If you are reading this, you most likely are thinking of having a baby. So much planning goes into bringing a new life to this world. You make sure you have room in your home. You check your health insurance. You think about what you will do for work while on leave. You want to give your little one the best chance in life. So you may wonder ” do I need a pre-pregnancy consultation?”

So, what about your mental health? Do you have a plan to stay mentally healthy during your pregnancy? Do you currently or have you previously suffered from anxiety, depression, PTSD, or ADHD? Did someone in your family suffer from postpartum depression or burnout? Maybe, you have been on psychiatric medicine in the past. Possibly you are on them now. Have you previously been to therapy? Are you moving to a new city with limited support? Have you had trouble in the past with life transitions?

All of the above reasons are good reasons to seek a pre-pregnancy consultation. A pre-pregnancy consultation helps prevent you from figuring it all out while you are already pregnant or postpartum.

During a Pre-pregnancy consultation, an individualized treatment plan will be created. Your treatment provider will help you weigh the risks and benefits of treatment during pregnancy.

There are many treatments available. Some of the most common ones are individual therapy, physical exercise, proper nutrition, psychiatric medications, increasing support networks, group therapy, or Trans Magnetic stimulation ( TMS).

Book an appointment with our treatment team to get your individualized treatment plan. To learn more about reproductive psychiatry, click here.